Plain Jane

Plain Jane
Just wearing a smile!

Monday, April 5, 2010

4/5/2010: 9:08

Random Thoughts:

I love Jesus and I thank Him for His blood.

I don't feel well. I have a horrible headache.

I miss Will (my Christian (lol) crush).

I ordered a pizza from Pizza Hut, I have to pick it up in about 10 minutes.

There's someone at my job who is working my nerves. Mom sent me scripture to combat how I feel sometimes. I needed it.

I've been studying all day to show myself approved. God knows I want Will, so I have to get it together in order to be his help-mate. God said he would fulfill the desires of my heart. He is my heart's desire.

Boy, am I hot!

I was reading today about how Easter is a pagan holiday: Got proof booooooooy!

I'm really writing whatever comes to mind.


I'm watching this show about kids who run-a-way. Thank God I never ran away. Satan clings to the streets.
John 10:10 -The thief comes to steal, kill and destroy, I have come in order that you might have life, life in all its fullness.

I still want to get married and have kids one day. I want to be a preachers's wife... I don't know why, it just feels right in my heart. Well shall see! Crazy some people want to be lawyers and doctors, lol, I want to be a preacher's wife!

I remember when I would try to live the life of a Christian and go to the club: can't straddle the fence.

Gotta go pick up the pizza!